Thursday, April 1, 2010

Winning and Losing

**sighs deeply**

You know how it is, you've entered a contest

**throaty cough**

(ahem, your sisters contest even!!!)and you think

**devilishly grining**

"hey, I might have a pretty good shot at winning this one!!"

And....of course.....

you don't!

**shoulders droop, bottom lip juts out, sighs again**

Now don't get me wrong, you're not blaming anyone in particular, it is just a little frustrating. Yeah, let's just say that it has been what, forever since i have ever won anything... I think it was a cake in a cakewalk at the Halloween Carnival... Yep, that is about as good as it gets!! he he!!

But I never give up... here is another lovely writer who has some grand contests!! Shannon you are a great writer,I love to read your blog
**claps loudly**

cant wait to read your book...

**grins devilishly again, while rubbing hands together**

By the way, If you are in need of a BETA reader,
**wink wink**
I am here!! I love to read!!I am really hoping to win one of these great books you have.. Best of luck finishing your revisions!! If you are like me and want to win a great prize as you laugh with the author.... check it out here

1 comment:

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

I am so sorry! I will host another one at my 200 mark, just keep entering! I promise I don't purposely avoid letting you win! As your sister I could never do that! PROMISE! ;o)

Keep entering.

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