Friday, November 7, 2008

Fun filled weekend

It has been a loooong day... I taught class at 815am. Took a shower, ran to Target to get afew things. Picked up some car oil and other stuff for my trip today...Went to lunch with my friends...probably my last one for a while :(... I will miss them sooo much. Then I went home to pack for our trip...I also took a short nap. THen had to go to Jons school... He had to go to the principals office today and had a pre scheduled Teachers conference..... Ran home, changed and went to Towne Lake to teach again. It was a better class than this morning....:)And so then.... I ran back home and showered, did the dishes...Left the house at 745....traveled with the four kids to my sisters in Tuscaloosa....THe kids were passed out when we arrived, so we are now chatting and preparing for A GREAT DAY of FOOTBALL tomorrow.. ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!

1 comment:

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

You were blogging while you were on the computer & sitting on the couch at my house talking to me? Sneaky. lol.