Sunday, January 17, 2010

A New Year!!

OK yes it has been a while...(I hear you courtney!) We had a fabulous Christmas holiday!! STayed in my PJs for 3 whole days!! We absolutely hated that Mimi and Papa didnt get to make it!! But that just means the kids will get a third Christmas. The joys of being children!! We played games the whole time!! Kids just love it! We then went to mom and dads. We had a great time!! I got to spend a day with my parents at the shop, helping to organize the papers. It was so remeniscant of my highschool years!! We would got to the shop with mom and hang out for hours at a time. When we were kids we did make it fun and would sled on cardboard boxes down the big red hill. Now that was soooo much fun... I dont think mom appreciated the really gad stains we would have on our clothes and persons!! ok no more memory lane!

We got to play with Hannah and the Twins while we watched lots and lots of football!! woohoo!! go SEC! Yes I have waited to YELL and CHEER but I am so very PROUD of the CRIMSON TIDE!! ROLL TIDE ROLL!! I was very jealous of Courtney and Marcus who had the priveledge of being at the Rose Bowl!! *sigh*

So we had a great start to our New Year!! We've even had a few SNOW DAYS!! Yes in the state of Georgia we have had 2-3 inches of snow. My kids were in heaven. They stayed out all day sledding down our hill in the back yard. The next day it was icey and they got to sled down the street!! The boys along with our neighbor Joseph realized that the hill covered with leaves was just as good for sledding as the snow was...who knew?? They had a blast. Well now we have another holiday tomorrow and we have three cases of strep in the house!!! Happy Happy JOY JOY!!

Oh yeah, did you have any New Years Resolutions?


Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

Christmas was so much fun! We loved seeing ya'll. We also greatly appreciate you allowing us to stay at your house while we flew out to that wonderful Rose Bowl!!
Twenty Ten is already looking to be an interesting year! We love you & look forward to seeing you next week!

dsunshine said...

I am so glad that we get to spend time with you guys now and that the all of kids are so close. You were a tremendeous help at the shop, I would have never made it without you. there is nothing like kids,a box or sled and a hill covered in pine straw, leaves or snow!!! Hope to see you this weekend in T town !