Well the day we single out to celebrate LOVE is here... Are you prepared? Can you make up for all of the days you let that special someone down? Or have you been the one who lets those you love know it without a doubt, every day? I have just recently run into many people who dont like Valentines day..... I am sort of torn.
I find it fun to take the time and do something special for those in my life that I love. We make it lots of fun and get them one or two really quirky gifts.
Keith has taken the extra time to make me feel really special this year... I have had a special gift every day for the past 10 days. With each one there has been a little note, It has been so sweet and romantic, as well as unexpected! They have ranged from a single chocolate rose, ice cream, massage oil, cheez its, and gummy bears. it has been so much fun waiting to see what he would come up with next... Keith had done this once before when we were dating. He gave me a dozen and a half roses one at a time. Lets just say " I loved it so much, I still talk about it". Seeing that we have four energetic children, finding that time to make each other feel special is a rare treat indeed.
So to everyone out there in this cyber world...Celebrate the LOVE!! Take time to just give a hug, a smile, or a kiss and show those who are special to you how much you love them!!! It will make your Life a happy one!1