He left a lovely note for the kids, with some dog bones, letting them know that mom and dad were on the search for the perfect dog and would bring one home as soon as they found it..Christmas eve, I had to work all day and Keith got the lovely job of finishing the last minute shopping with everyone else in GA. I absolutely love Christmas DAY... Our kids are the best... the promptly come into our room at 730 and jump on the bed... we read the Christmas story from Luke. Keith and I go first and get ready with the camera and then they come down the stairs...(one at a time, so we can get their individual pictures) Our day can be a rather long process... we take our time opening the gifts and love seeing each others expression at what we had gotten them... We made some great mini egg quiches with tiny suasages for breakfast then did crackers, suasage and cheeses for lunch. The grand finale was a luschious ham, green beans and some killer sweetpotatoe pie ( if I do say so myself). The kids had a fabulous day got almost everything on all of their lists and then some!!! Yes, the Wii probably trumped all of their other gifts by far. It has been lots of fun having tournaments in all of the sports as we learn the games. I do love the excitment children bring to the whole day... Mimi and Papa were totally exhausted by 5...
Then it was all over. A big mess and the next day I had to work for 11 hours!! Yea me... Luckily, it was extraordinarily busy. I had to work alot over the next few days and then it was a New Year... The center I teach classes at held a class on New Years day and all of the instructors participated... It was a blast.. I was very sore the next day. On Sat. Keith, Jessica, Christian and I drove to Wedowee Al. (just south of Anniston to pick up our new addition) She was so scared, she had no idea what was happening. For the next 2 days, her favorite place was underneath our bar stools.. Since then she has begun to let loose, loves to play (and bite), sleep, and bite, eat, and bite. We are working on the potty training thing and I have to say she is getting better... She has her moments though.

The first two nights, I got to sleep on the couch by her crate, so everyone else in the house could sleep. Keith got up early on day and took her out, too. It is truely awesome to see the kids step up to the plate and take care of her without complaining. Sometimes I do wonder if the Democratic system is not flawed. When we were trying to come up with her name, we started out with 30 names... Not one could we all agree on ( you got to vote as much as you wanted too) then we whiddled it down to 5 still no winner.. the next night we had a revote and a name that wasnt even on the first list (Kaela) won out.. go figure..she is a lot of fun to have around... I am so glad we got a new pup...till next time I have posted a slide show with more extensive pictures on my space enjoy....